What to buy in a volatile Market?

Lot of people are wondering which assets to buy in a market which is uncertain about future prospects.An easy way to determine is to weigh the upside vs downside from the current level and determine if the risk is worth taking. Some of the best opportunities come out when people are selling in panic.In Public … Read more

Portfolio Analysis March’20

As we navigate the murky waters of the coronavirus pandemic, the world seems to have entered uncertain times. And those deepening worries are reflected in fluctuating markets worldwide as the Black Swan event of 2020. Even as India so far has remained relatively less scarred from the COVID 19 virus compared to some other countries, … Read more

Global Collateralized Loan Obligations

CLOs originated in the late 1980s, similar to other types of securitizations, as a way for banks to package leveraged loans together to provide investors with an investment vehicle with varied degrees of risk and return to best suit their investment objectives. A CLO is a type of structured credit. Structured credit is a fixed-income … Read more

Portfolio Analysis Feb’2020

Last 15-20 days have been quite volatile for the global stocks , currency and commodity market after the onset of the CoronaVirus. This is a perfect example of a black swan event which no one had imagined. People were debating on the Market valuation , US-China trade ,Middle east tension as factors which could destabilize … Read more

Global vs Indian Market Performance

People who had invested in the Indian stock markets enjoyed a good run last decade, as the market more than doubled up in value since 2010. BSE Sensex, one of India’s most liquid benchmark Index started the decade at around 17,500 and ended at over 41,000, clocking in over 136% return. Indian Property Index fared … Read more

Portfolio Analysis Jan’2020

In this post I will cover performance of my: P2P Portfolio Invoice Discounting Global Portfolio Option Strategies I will also cover some of the new products available to invest P2P Portfolio current yield and NPA: Positive Performing P2P Platforms: I2IFunding: I have shifted most my investment to B category 1 year loans and few Group … Read more

Creating a Global Portfolio

For people who are interested in creating a global portfolio I had published various options to select from(Model Portfolio). Paradox of choices is a problem when deciding among many good options.We need first have a starting point then narrow down the products. Step 1 To make things easy I will publish the asset allocation of … Read more

P2P Portfolio Analysis Dec’2019

Wish you all a very Happy New Year! Hope to find more interesting investment opportunities and hacks in 2020 . In this post I will be covering two topics: Analysis of the P2P platforms for 2019 New Loan and Invoice Products Introduction to Model Portfolio P2P Platforms performance In the 2019 I experimented with multiple … Read more

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