Why is the Bitcoin Cryptocurrency soaring in 2021?

Bitcoin cryptocurrency soared past $30,000 past month, hitting its highest level since 2018 .Thea excitement over the United States election spilled over from macro markets.  Since the market crash in march Bitcoin has delivered 180% return ,which almost 4x of stock market return! What is Driving Bitcoin Rally? There are three major factors driving this … Read more

Portfolio Analysis October 2020

Ironically while the covid period was one of the most testing time for majority of people as they lost wages and jobs some people  made lot of profit in these times More than 16 million cases of COVID-19 were confirmed between April and July of this year, there were nearly 630,000 related deaths, and the world’s … Read more

Realt Review – Tokenized Real Estate

Realt is a disruptive platform in the Real Estate space.Since going online more than a decade ago, the blockchain has been one of the most transformative and disruptive innovations. For once, we have access to a decentralized form of record-keeping that is for the most part protected against unauthorized modifications and fraudulent transactions. However, most … Read more

Fractional Real Estate in India

Fractional real estate investing is essentially purchasing a portion of an investment property. A group of like-minded investors pool their money together, allowing them to invest in higher value properties than they otherwise would have access to. Fractional real estate investment is a new way to invest in commercial real-estate. The concept of fractional ownership … Read more

Metex Review-Precious Metal Investment

Why do people Invest in precious metals using Metex? METEX brings you metal investments at a click of buton. Why metals? Put simply, precious metals serve as a hedge against market volatility, political instability, currency weakness, and economic collapse. Gold and silver have been used as money across much of the world for thousands of … Read more

Portfolio Analysis September 2020

Market Outlook : There have been some signs of revival of the broad economy but it would be naive to expect that we are out of the woods complete. Situation is precarious in many sectors like Hospitality,Travel NBFC ,which can cause a sudden collapse if the current strain is not ameliorated soon. Global Markets can … Read more

Best Crypto Saving Accounts for 2020 upto 12% Interest

Last few months many crypto interest account were covered in multiple posts .It becomes confusing when each platform offers a different unique feature. To make life easy for everyone best platform in each category has been selected With traditional brick-and-mortar banks offering dismally low-interest rates on savings accounts, it might just be the right time … Read more

Portfolio Dissection and Yield Enhancement

How often do you  hear your friends asking for stock tips!and then there are people who are always looking for the next multibagger! Well there is no harm in it but what equity we choose has little impact on our portfolio compared to our overall asset allocation and our saving discipline. 1% of a multibagger … Read more

Litigation Finance Investment Opportunities

What is Litigation finance? In a nutshell, the idea is to fund plaintiffs and law firms in cases where it looks like there will be a winning ruling. When everything goes the right way, the capital that helps fund the lawsuits is returned — and then some — in return for the risk taken People … Read more

Portfolio Analysis-August

Market Outlook : India’s GDP growth fell to a lower-than-expected -23.9% y-o-y in Q2 (Consensus: -18.0%, Nomura: -15.2%) vs 3.1% in Q1, led by a steep decline in domestic demand, and reflecting the impact of India’s stringent lockdowns! Markets have pretty much ignored all the negative signs ! I have been cutting the amount of … Read more

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